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Sedimentation separated the soil from the water, using the force of gravity, but it took too long, almost one day. Also, it lets some particles of soil in the water. It is not so accurate, and it's really slow.

Evaporation separated the water from the salt. This happened because we boiled the water, so it passed from liquid to gas, becoming water vapor, so it dispersed in the air of the lab. This way, the crystals of salt were left in the glass.

Chromatography, we saw that it doesn't work to separate the mixture, but only to identify if the substance is a mixture or not. We did it with the alcohol and water, and the fact that the colors went up, tells us that it is a mixture.

Filtration works when you have one liquid and one solid. We used carbon sulfate and separated it whit the piece of paper that works as a filter, letting the liquid pass and retaining the satured mixture.


Analyze Data

We saw that the most efficient technique was distillation, evaporation, and filtration, in that order. Also, we saw that chromatography doesn't actually separates the matter, but just tells you if you have a mixture or not. Distillation we didn't actually tested it, but we saw the model of how it works, and we saw that it uses evaporation also.

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